Friday, June 25, 2010


There are days when I wake up so full of life and love that I could just burst. Thinking of those days is what gets me through the days when I wake up tired and overwhelmed. Today was an overwhelming day. I started by dragging one of my sleepy little munchkins from bed while the other three ran around the house like they were on caffeine highs. We struggled through the usual morning routine (which for us is multiple blood sugar checks, medicines, and digging through the clean clothes I forgot to fold to find missing pieces to outfits while trying to keep my two year old from terrorizing his older siblings: Steven has taken to biting as a hobby). Then out the door to get groceries to make something for Rebekah's bridging ceremony in Girl Scouts on Saturday and decorations and food for our upcoming BBQ/Birthday Party on Sunday. As usual my girls engaged in their love/hate antics as soon as we got into the car. Gabriel decided it would be a great idea to start touching Rebekah much to her behest, which then caused her usual high pitched (I have huge lungs) screaming. I hadn't even made it down the street out of our neighborhood at this point. To make things easier, my older sister offered to let Rebekah run around on errands with her for the morning (thank God for family). My girls tend to butt heads a lot, so if just one of them is away from the picture (either one) my errands are done more quickly and sometimes they are done without too much insanity. Today would not be one of those sometimes.

Side note: I carry Steven around in a back pack, Ergo style, carrier most of the time because it keeps him close and I can focus better on the tasks at hand and the other more mobile munchkins (who have a tendency to be drawn - like a moth to a flame - in the presence of anything bright and/or shiny away from the safety of my supervision.

So, at BJ's, Steven was hanging out on my back as Nikaila, Gabriel, and I traipsed through the store. We were on the hunt for a plethora of things for the party. Steven decided that he would start applying his previously discussed hobby (biting) to my back. I am sure that many a patron got a real kick out of watching the "don't dance like this" lessons I began to demonstrate. Steven wanted to get down and thought I might give if he made the ride more uncomfortable for the ride-ee. It did not work, I would not give in, but geese I need to get this biting thing to stop or I may cave one of these days (any ideas are gladly accepted).

Later, at OFD (Organic Food Depot), Steven decided that since the biting hadn't worked at the previous location he would resort to smacking my head and using my pony tail like reigns. I guess he figured that since he was in a saddle of sorts, this is horse back riding and that the pony tail must be there for him to grab and pull and pull and pull.

Through out the day Steven exhibited his newly found "I can escape from anything" talents. Yes folks, he has figured out the car seats restraint system and he is quite adept at removing those "Oh so inhibiting" straps from his personage. After his self realized escape (which usually includes a small, or sometimes large, battle with his older sister who has tried to no avail to keep him in) he very proudly stands up and declares victory over the seat with relentless giggling.

After picking Rebekah up and arriving home, Steven proceeded to continue experimenting with the reactivity of older siblings to painful stimuli (might his future endeavors include scientific experimentation?). Needless to say, today was not a "Terrific Two's Day," not even a "Terrible Two's Day." Today was a "Terrorist Two's Day."

This is where having a better day to remember, and look forward to, is my saving grace. Were it not for those beautiful, happy, ambitious, "I can take on the world" days, I fear that all of the marbles in my head may have already taken cannon ball style leaps through my ears. So, here's to tomorrow, may it be beautiful, yet somewhat more boring than today!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I decided that blogging would be a great way to add my two cents to the pot of opinion. In addition I can keep records of things I come across that I find helpful, harmful, or just plain interesting (articles, products, information, etc.). So to start things off I would like to make my first entry an introduction of sorts.

I am a mother to four beautiful children (Nikaila, Gabriel, Rebekah, and Steven). I have been married (legally for 7 years in January) to my husband Leroy (though we often call him by Lenny). I started homeschooling this year after a few too many hiccups in my children's public education. I am currently breastfeeding my near 26 month old son (this will continue until we mutually agree that it has been long enough). I also work part time as a Teachers Assistant in Adult Basic Education. I am hoping that blogging will serve both as an instrument for information on things I have experienced (both factual and opinion based) as well as to serve as my sounding board for what is "my life." It has been many years now since I last wrote on a regular basis, for any reason at all, so this may be a bit of a long start (I have to get my composition skills re-tuned). I can make no promises as to how often I will be able to contribute to my blog, but I hope it is often and that it becomes a useful tool to others who may seek information regarding similar life experiences. I offer little to knowledge that is vast, but I have experienced much within the realms of some topics. As time allows I will be adding specifics as to my birth experiences with my children, the individual journeys that brought us to now, and simple stories. I cannot promise that my life will intrigue you at all, but I hope that my life can teach something to someone one day.

My current favorite quote: The limits of your language are the limits of your world. ~Ludwig Wittgenstein